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Coles Field 4


Message from Burford Town Council

Greystoke Land Ltd, whose appeal against refusal of their application to develop Cole’s Field was dismissed last August, has returned to the fray. This time they are asking for permission to build 70 houses.

BTC is as unanimously and robustly against this proposal as we have been against all previous applications. We regard it as a cynical attempt to batter Burford into submission knowing that we are a small community with limited resources. We shall, as your Council, be lodging strong objections but, as always, it is the response of you, the residents, which will count most with the Uplands Planning Committee of West Oxfordshire District Council.

We hope you will support us. We will write to you again shortly (objections have to be lodged by 21st December) explaining the reasons for our objection and hoping that you will be encouraged to lodge your own views.If you have any queries, please contact John White 01993 822296 – or our Mayor Peter Higgs 07836 238306 .



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